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Transformations Web APIs MDN

The insurance industry has numerous opportunities to leverage technologies in Transformational ways. Finally, exponential growth or speed of change in any area whatsoever (customer behavior, regulatory frameworks, technologies etc.) can happen at the most unexpected moments. Digital customer behavior, although it plays a role and customers are increasingly ‘digital and mobile’. So, while we just split up some aspects of digital transformation, it’s of the utmost importance to get that holistic picture. The dilation of a geometric figure will either expand or contract the figure based on a predetermined scale factor. To perform a dilation, just multiply each side of the preimage by the scale factor to get the side lengths of the image, then graph.

A dilation is a transformation that either expands or contracts a shape or a function. This means that a dilation makes a shape or a function bigger or smaller, and because the purpose of a dilation is expansion or contraction, a dilation is considered a non-rigid transformation. To apply a dilation of size k to a set of points in a preimage, multiply each point by the magnitude of the dilation making the resulting point .

That’s why through the years we wrote a content marketing definition, a social business definition, an Internet of Things definition , the list goes on. More about these evolutions, challenges and ‘digital possibilities’ on our overview page where we tackle the utilities industry. The role and structure of national and local governments, government agencies, state-sponsored organizations and public sector institutions differs from country to country.

The upscale shopping mall Westfield Old Orchard in north suburban Skokie is about to undergo a $100 million transformation, the most far-reaching in its 66-year history. Images converted to AVIF and animated AVIF from other formats use additional quota. Images exceeding 9 megapixels cannot be encoded to AVIF - ensure you scale them down first. If enabled, AVIF may be delivered when automatic format selection is used.

Although there are common challenges, goals and traits in organizations across the globe, there are also enormous differences per industry, region and organization. What could make sense in one region, doesn’t have to make sense in another, even if we just look at regulatory environments. Everything overlaps and is connected; from disruption, business processes and models to business activities and each single activity of the organization and the broader ecosystem in which it operates. Think about how virtually all business processes de facto are linked, the interconnectedness of business activities from the customer perspective, the way information runs across all digital transformations, the impact events can have on an economy, and much more.

A DX strategy aims to create the capabilities of fully leveraging the possibilities and opportunities of new technologies and their impact faster, better and in more innovative way in the future. A digital transformation journey needs a staged approach with a clear roadmap, involving a variety of stakeholders, beyond silos and internal/external limitations. This roadmap takes into account that end goals will continue to move as digital transformation de facto is an ongoing journey, as is change and digital innovation. To prove the success of digital transformation efforts, leaders need to quantify the return on investment. That's easier said than done with projects that cross functional and business boundaries, change how a company goes to market, and often fundamentally reshape interactions with customers and employees.

These might include organizational-health assessments, benchmarks, value-capture models, and visual management and planning aids. For instance, advanced initiative-tracking tools that can be sorted by owner, department, delivery status, and other criteria allow users to understand, at a glance, the progress of all initiatives. The tools should make it easy to spot delays, observe trends, monitor impact, and create rich yet user-friendly reports. And these tools should be available to everyone involved in the transformation. Ordinary approaches to transformation typically deliver ordinary results.

We prefer to say that it’s the ways that technologies are adopted and leveraged which can be disruptive, as mentioned. However, obviously, if we drop that tiny remark that as such technologies are not disruptive, it’s clear that some technologies have led to more disruption than others. Mobile, which leads to the capacity of ‘being mobile’ for sure is one too. In fact, all so-called third platform technologies and their accelerators, with a key role for information and artificial intelligence. Ecosystems will be key in the as-a-service-economy and in achieving digital transformation success.

Technologies with clear disruption potential include IoT technologies, artificial intelligence, edge computing,virtual and augmented reality and blockchain. However, the most disruptive potential occurs when they get combined and enable new applications as we see in the convergence of AI, IoT and big data analytics. In industrial transformation the convergence of IT and OT is also a game changer. Yet, technology is only part of the equation as digital transformation is by definition holistic. This article aims to answer some of the common questions around digital transformation and provide clarity, specifically to CIOs and IT leaders, including lessons learned from your peers and digital transformation experts.
